CGS ORIS Color Tuner Web

Afraid of making the wrong decision in proofing? Don’t know whether to go hardcopy or softproof?

CGS ORIS removes the risk of making the wrong decision by offering the industry’s only integrated hardcopy and virtual proofing system. By integrating the features of the market-leading soft proofing solution ORIS Soft Proof,

We provide the ultimate flexibility in color proofing technology – from one package and with risk-free and reliable results.

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COLOR TUNER allows users to control and track print jobs from anywhere in the world via the Internet. All features of ORIS Soft Proof and CERTIFIED are available in the software package, making it easier to manage and monitor global remote proofing — increasingly important with the popularity of embedded measurement devices.

COLOR TUNER fully supports the inline spectrophotometers embedded in Epson, Canon, and HP printers, including those of the Epson SureColor SC-P series. The intuitive and user-friendly interface allows users to work quickly and efficiently within a closed-loop environment.

The web-based client/server architecture enables COLOR TUNER to be integrated easily and quickly within your existing workflow, independent of your operating system or web browser. A comprehensive set of workflow tools — such as automatic pre-flighting, file compression, FTP send & receive, regular expressions, or email notification — is included to make COLOR TUNER a powerful production workflow in its own right.